intent in isolation

When you think of the word isolation what do you think of? Seclusion? Confinement? Detachment?  Aloneness?

It’s no wonder that in times of a global pandemic, when a worldwide lockdown has been enforced, that we may find ourselves feeling low, bored, irritated, restless, anxious, fearful or lonely.

As human beings, we are from our very first basic instinct, wired for connection.
It’s in our DNA… arguably as strong a need as food, water and warmth.

Let’s look at a new born baby for a second. A newborn needs food, water and warmth, but in order to survive, it also needs to attach to its mother; to be connected to someone  – an instinct that as we grow and mature never really leaves us.

We were built for connection. We were built for relationship.
So in a time when we are deprived of that very thing that we were built for, that we crave, where does that leave us?

Well, let me start by saying that yes, we are built for connection, for relationship, with our friends and family… but more than that, we are built for connection and relationship with our heavenly Father.

Often when people think of Christianity, they immediately associate it with the word “religion”, when in fact it’s not religion. Religion makes demands on what to do and what not to do, in order to earn or achieve right standing before God.

The truth of it, however, is that Christianity is  “relationship” with the one who paid the highest price for our transgressions, so that we could be made righteous with God.
We are made right standing with God through His beloved son,  Jesus, and through His humble surrender to the cross.

2 Corinthians 5:21
21 He made Christ who knew no sin to [judicially] be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we would become the righteousness of God [that is, we would be made acceptable to Him and placed in a right relationship with Him by His gracious loving kindness].

Now the thing about relationship is that it requires time, communication and commitment.
You make time for those you care about and are in a relationship with, you communicate with them often, and you commit to doing those things in order for it to be a lasting relationship.

So how is your relationship with God? Are you making time for Him in your busy schedule? Between the demands of work, family, your social life and anything else you might be juggling?

Are you taking the time to communicate with Him? Are you deliberately setting aside the time, to be still in His presence and to pray?

“prayer isn’t meant to be a monologue, it’s supposed to be a dialogue”
I heard a preacher this week make this statement and the truth of it weighed heavy on me.

How often do we go to God in prayer, make our requests (almost as if on a drive by) before we just quickly continue on to resume our busy schedules and routines?.

Imagine, just imagine, if we actually took a moment to stop, be still, and to listen to what He wanted to speak back to us; perhaps through reading His word or through that still small voice that whispers to our spirit.

How quickly we could receive the answers to those questions that we have been asking. How easily we could receive wisdom and direction regarding those decisions that have been keeping us up at night.

We are living in what can only be described as unprecedented times; there is so much uncertainty and things that are seemingly out of our control… but what is in our control?

What we focus on and what we choose to do during this time is in our control.

It’s in our control to pray (it’s our weapon); it’s in our control to fix our eyes not on the current circumstances, but on God. We can set our hope and confidence in Him who works all things together for good, and who I believe will do exactly that with this  global pandemic we are currently facing.

If you haven’t already, I would encourage you to read my post revival is on the horizon.
There I share a powerful word that the Lord gave me during my own time of prayer and devotion. There you will read how He is working behind seemingly closed doors, and that revival is on the horizon.

Be encouraged – there is something coming on the other side of this chaos, something incredible, that has never before been seen.

So perhaps, we need a shift in our thinking, our attitudes, our focus, or to evaluate our patterns, routines or behaviours. Maybe this isn’t a time of separation but of preparation for what is coming next!

Maybe He’s bringing us into a place of isolation, not to withhold anything from us, but to drive us into His presence (with no distractions, no excuses) so that He can begin to download everything that He needs to, to prepare us.

Revival is coming, but the thing about revival is that it starts within us!

So, be intentional in this season of isolation.
Be still, listen for His voice, recognise the work He wants to do in you, and look forward in confident faith and expectation to what is coming next!

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